Considerations for Using ChatGPT and AI Tools in the Workplace | Lloyd Sadd
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Considerations for Using ChatGPT and AI Tools in the Workplace


Artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot ChatGPT has recently made waves for producing human-like text and communications from user inputs. Accessible to anyone with a computer and internet connection, ChatGPT produces usable written material on a wide range of topics and helps automate decision-making. Since this technology is accessible to employers of all sizes, it presents an opportunity for organizations that strategically leverage it. However, AI tools have limitations that must be carefully considered prior to use. If your organization is looking to embrace AI tools like ChatGPT, be aware of the following risks:

  • Errors and outdated information—AI’s knowledge is limited since it’s based only on the data used to train it. Therefore, AI tools’ information may be low quality or outdated, or it may contain errors. In some cases, AI-generated errors could subject your organization to audits, fines and penalties. As such, verify the information produced by AI tools before using it.
  • Technological limitations—AI models like ChatGPT require extensive training and fine-tuning to perform at reliable and effective levels. It’s also currently unclear whether ChatGPT and other AI chatbots can accurately assess the information they provide to users. As such, always be careful when using AI tools for important or consequential matters. Specifically, when preparing business documents or streamlining processes, always consider the tool’s use as a starting point that requires further scrutiny before adoption.
  • Legal considerations—AI-generated content may violate copyright laws or create privacy issues. For instance, the conversations employees have with AI chatbots could be reviewed by AI trainers, inadvertently disclosing sensitive and confidential business information or trade secrets to third parties. Before using AI technology, review and update confidentiality and trade secret policies to ensure they cover third-party AI tools.

AI tools like ChatGPT have the potential to change nearly every aspect of employees’ work and increase organizational efficiency. However, as this technology is relatively new, it’s critical to closely monitor AI tools’ developments and any potential issues surrounding them.

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